Jamie Alderman

3 years ago

WARNING: This dealership is not practicing any bas...

WARNING: This dealership is not practicing any basic social distancing nor are the employees wearing masks. If you are immune compromised or elderly, I strongly recommend you do not put yourself in danger by visiting this dealership (until the pandemic is over).

My elderly father bought a new camry here, paid fully in cash a few years ago. He's gotten ALL service done here. Unfortunately, when we dropped the car off for routine service yesterday, the service salesman walked right up to my old wizard-looking dad. About 1 ft away from him. No mask. Just the beginning.

When we went to pick the car up today, I asked my father to stay outside because I was concerned for his safety. At the service desks inside, there were about 10 folks, all within a 15 foot area of the lobby. Zero masks (except for the one I was wearing). Zero gloves. Zero concern. When the service salesman came right up in my face, I backed up very conspicuously, and he kept closing the distance between us, as if he'd never heard of the pandemic.

I was so disappointed and upset that a company like Toyota wouldn't have a simple directive to their employees to be wearing masks while inside and in air conditioning, and to practice social distancing to protect customers safety, that I called the dealership when I got home to speak to the guy I mention above, and to ask about their policies regarding the pandemic.

He told me that it was a corporate decision to allow every single employee to decide individually whether they'd wear a mask or maintain social distance. Despite the fact that the benefit of wearing a mask is to reduce others' exposure to your own respiratory droplets. The CDC and governor Abbott have emphasized the importance of wearing a mask around other's to protect them, not to protect ourselves... And its efficacy has been well established by many studies across the world, by our CDC, and has been supported and emphasized by our own governor. It's not subject to partisan debate.

It's horrifying to me that Toyota would choose to allow each employee to decide whether to take an extremely basic precaution to protect its customers from a deadly virus, that's killed 100,000 Americans in 3 months...

I saw maybe 10 employees in total on both days, and not one of them were taking any of these mentioned precautions. No distance, no masks, no gloves. No concern for the safety of their vulnerable customers.

Suffice it to say, my family will no longer be giving this dealership our business.

Lastly, I want to say that while the service guy I spoke with said that this was a corporate decision to allow individual choice on whether to take this basic step to stem danger to their customers, employees, and the general public, it is entirely possible that he was just saying this to dodge accountability for this policy and to prevent me from speaking to the local management that might be more directly responsible for this decision.

All this to say folks, if you understand that Covid-19 is a real virus, if you have health that is compromised in any way, or if you're elderly, consider taking your business to a dealership that cares for and is looking out for your safety.


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