Justin Maslana

4 years ago

Despite repeated attempts to unsubscribe to emails...

Despite repeated attempts to unsubscribe to emails from Young Subaru I continue to be emailed by their sales team. I bought a car from another dealer...I don't need a car from Young. Your constant email spam over the last 2 weeks certainly isn't going to lead to a referral and the fact that I bought a car means I'm probably (just a guess) not in the market for another.

You have not emailed me ANYTHING of value other than "hey call us to buy a car!". You could have easily sent me some product information, available inventory that might fit what I'm looking for, hell even some financing info. Instead, you spammed me with canned emails sent out of an automated marketing data base designed to look like a sales rep sent it. I could at least respect a little effort (I'm in sales myself and send value based emails often) but you couldn't even take an extra 60 seconds to do that.

It's hilarious that I send 2 emails to your company yesterday saying "I'm not in the market, stop spamming me" and unsubscribed from at least 4-5 other emails and then what happens? You email me again this morning saying "Why haven't we heard from you? Please send us your number so we can call you". Hmmm, just a guess and I could be wrong here but
I think you haven't heard from me BECAUSE I BOUGHT CAR ALREADY.

You are costing yourself business by sending canned email spam. You are why we need GDPR regulations in the United States


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