Not Today

4 years ago

It is a nice program for mother's to be. However I...

It is a nice program for mother's to be. However I have a problem with these Catholic women. My last visit I was offended by the lady choice of words. As I was watching the video I guess there was something about music soothing babies. The lady's says: "The baby need soft music not rap or loud music" this offended me because this lady just assumed without ASKING do you listen to rap music? Which I DO NOT. Even if I did, you can't tell somebody what to do, you can offer them advice and give them information on the advice given, but to just tell me and assume is so disrespectful and ignorant. She also tells me if the dad is not involved that's okay, she never asked was the dad involved. I feel like these ladies should have a meeting on how to approach these moms and stop assuming things they do not know. If someone was to tell her not to listen to heavy metal around her baby then she would be offended. Certain people just have no filters, but I would have been a monster if I would have returned offense.


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