RENEE Carter Moore

3 years ago

Stay away if absurd hospital I personally went the...

Stay away if absurd hospital I personally went there for a broken leg 2-3-17 they looked at my injury ithem asked normal medical questions then level of pain scale I was feeling 10 plus ( when swelling begins of any parts your body starts numbing itself) normal anatomy of body function anyways while I was waiting in e. r. nurses came in took all vitals gave me a gown but still no pain medication to help with pain at this I had been there over 1 hour at this point I was telling my husband to help me get back dressed I'm leaving going to " Winston Forsyth were I personally known other family member had received fast accurate medical treatment " after saying that a nurse came in said they contacted Orthopediic surgeon he can't be there til after 5 pm then gave a pain medication called Lowertab I explain to her this nothing but higher milligram of otc tylenol then X-ray came in took me for pictures after all back to back rush I was waiting again for another 2 hours then they admired me after president talking to husband he couldn't take care of me at home til Surgeron got there therefore in hospital admitting room I began to have strong pain I spoke with ever nurse coming in room to please give me something stronger medicine then lowertab from rt cause that never eased any pain at this time I had shooting pain up my rt. leg my muscles were jerking makes the broke bone move oh it's awful experience ( I never had a broke bone before ) the nurse said she would have to call dr. for approval she came back in saying they can onlygive same medicine ( been through 5 hours of very low poorly treatment) as rt did then dr. show up I asked him if anyone has call him from here for me to get stronger medicine to help control extreme beyond pain he looked at computer chart then shock his head saying he get me a I V started of right dosage to stop all pain in leg area til morning were he'll repair leg. Next day nurse came in took me to surgery waiting area during this never said anything to husband about anything surgery related or were I was at so he could be close he had to ask but they said they would have to call & let him know later now after twice asking getting same answer & know return follow up he left & went to find other hospital staff to try helping him. After I got out of surgery they took me back to room were I stay 1 day cause I had to wait on PT to release me after her time saying I was ready to go it took the hospital to 4 more hours to do release papers.
That's absurd knowing it's obviously there taking average of patients due to type of health insurance which I have top rated A+ BCBS my personal concern to how they treated me delaying all. I'll not be useing or recommend anyone to go here.


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