Khristina Lores

3 years ago

When I moved to my new house in October, there was...

When I moved to my new house in October, there was and ADT guy who came to my door more than once. He was friendly, nice and very professional. His name is Don Lowery. I got a good price, the technician came out and installed my ADT security system. Everyone had ID and paperwork was singed.
In April of 2019, after a personal relationship had developed, he start discussing more about this door lock with a camera, and then cameras for the house. He represented everything would be done through ADT. This is what he represented at all times. We discussed 4 cameras outside , a front door camera and keyless door entry. He tells me how much and I write the man a check for $900. I asked him specifically, who do I make the check to . He tells me to make it out to him.I made the check out to him and, at his instruction, put his business address on it. The address is his business address, of which, I am assuming again, is the ADT business address in Huntsville. My Safe Haven is a dealer for ADT. The address is actually a My Safe Haven business location. Nearly two weeks go by, and no movement - not even a cashed check. He doesn t ever check the mail because he doesn t have a mail key. Once he got the check, he calls to tell me that the bank wont cash the check, because it is a state issued check. What the heck does that mean? He tried to cash the check at a bank I dont do business at and I asked him why he wasn t running the check through his business account. This is when I started to feel like this was an under the table deal. I was in between a rock and a hard space; I have a boyfriend sleeping in my bed and he wouldn t rip me off in the name of BEING A CON ARTIST... right? I mean everything up until now was done with ADT why would I think that sending a check to his business address would be anything but the right thing to do.Installation day: Some guy named Terrance shows up - (anyway I think that was his name). Mr. Lowery tells me he's a great installer for him (I am assuming he is talking about ADT) and that he used to be an electrician. At the end of the 8 hour installation of 4 cameras, I was ready to get him out of my house and the conversation turned to politics. He called me a STUPID WHITE JEWISH GIRL after I complained, AGAIN, to Mr. Lowery. Don then tells me "he s my best sales guy and "yeah, he has some crazy ideas about Jews". Please keep in mind, Mr. Lowery is still representing himself as ADT which isn t even really the truth. Terrance, the sales guy / technician / installer / splits without leaving instructions, without technical support and ONLY 2 CAMERAS WORKING. Mr. Lowery is aware by now that I am not happy, and that nothing is working and I don"t have a door camera.Since he knows that I trust him, he swears he will make it right. This guy swears a lot on making wrongs to be right.This is about the time that Mr. Lowery stops taking my calls. I checked with my bank to find out about the check. Mr. Lowery finally cashed the check. He signed it over to Melissa Lowery, HIS WIFE! YES - HIS WIFE ... (liar and a cheater). I had no idea that he wasn t who he said he was and that he not only misrepresented the company(s) he represents, he misrepresented his family. I want out of my contract with your company and I do not want to be penalized any more than I already have been. My Safe Haven says "NO". I have to keep my contract, even though they know Don lied and cheated me out of $900 representing himself as ADT. I just want out of my contract at this point. I will figure something else out - but do not do business with these guys. Their employees will cheat you and lie to you and they do not care that he represented himself as ADT - they just want their money.


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