3 years ago

Pathways literally saved my life. I was raised in ...

Pathways literally saved my life. I was raised in an abusive cult and in Pathways I learned how to get myself out of the cult, creative and grow my true personality as I had always wanted, as well as learn how to set boundaries with toxic people, build lasting relationships, learning how to respect myself and others, and sooo much more. Pathways, in my belief, is a great life experience for everyone to go through once in their lives. It is NOT a cult, and I should know as stated before that I was in a cult until age 21. However, ANYTHING can have a "cult-ish" vibe to it if a group of people decide to act in ways that portray the thing in that way. Are there people that have gone through the program and may even now work there that speak of Pathways as some holy, unblemished religious experience? Yes, and it drives me absolutely mad because it's simply emotional intelligence training that's really intense. They even encourage you during the program to have plans on how to move forward and literally create your new life outside of pathwaya and that Pathways is simply another stepping stone in your life, but hopefully one that is worth your time and effort (am a believe me, if you put all your motivation into those days, you'll be amazed as how much you learn about yourself and others in such a short period of time.) So please don't avoid this amazing program simply because some give it the title of "cult." Any program is what you make of it. I went through, volunteered for a bit after I finished the program, then got a therapist outside of pathwaya and have since grown and matured more than I ever imagined I could, and Pathways was the trampoline I needed to boost me up into the life I wanted but didn't know how to get. Try Pathways, it's not like spending one weekend in a hotel learning about yourself is gonna be the worst thing in the world ;)


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