Roger Desmond

4 years ago

8-3 8:45pm Refined below

8-3 8:45pm Refined below

Services were sufficient for the free oil change due to the fact VW is in the middle of a trial for consumer fraud. Used my $500 "gift card" to suffer through the final months of ownership in this lemon of a TDI.

It seems their dealerships like to follow in the deceptive practices business model. Last oil change at Platinum Volkswagen I had "2 dented rims" that would cost $175 each to fix. I said no thanks, took to another shop, and they stated that I didn't have any dented rims... That shop was in the business of repairing dented rims, so seems they would have the financial gain to tell me otherwise.

Here is the breakdown of "Suggested Repairs" from this bunch....

$51 to replace an in-cabin air filter that I can tell they didn't really check because I marked the screws.

$8.59 to replace myself, 2 screws and 10 min. Savings doing it myself $42

$540 to change the FRONT rotors that I had changed less than 10,000 miles ago.

I don't think so.

$51 for an engine air filter?

They didn't offer to replace the mount that has been broken for years due to broken clips, so I assume they didn't even look at the filter.

$17.52 on Amazon and 30 seconds to change... $33 savings

$36 to replace a (one) license plate light bulb?
Guess what? $6.26 FOR 4 OF THEM! That is $1.56 EACH! Savings $34

$36 to replace a side marker light? Guess what? IT'S THE SAME BULB AS THE LICENSE PLATE!!! Slightly harder to get to. Took me about 45 seconds vs the 20 seconds to change the license plate. Savings... $34

So, $174 in "charges" to replace two filters and two light bulbs vs. $32 in parts and 15 min in labor. I mean come on. Charge a reasonable price for the parts and maybe $50 in labor.


Let's see how my next "fix" is on my clogged sunroof drains that I have been living with for about a year...

Well, here I am back to get my clogged sunroof drains cleaned out. Told it shouldn't take more than an hour. Call an hour later to see the progress. Answer: "It seems your rear drains are clogged, and we are putting a price together to unclog them". No duh, they are clogged, that's why I brought it in!

So now it's going to cost me $700+ to get them "fixed".

So what did the $128.40 I agreed to pay cover then you ask?

I guess that cost is just to tell you they there is a problem, not fix anything.

8/3/16 8:45 PM

After watching a few online videos on the issue "How to fix a 2010 Volkswagen sunroof leak" by Lori Roberts (Thank you Lori) I took my automotive panel trim pry bar kit and took the 5 min required to drop the rear part of the headliner. After that, it was SUPER EASY to get to the hoses. I reached in, unplugged the hose that was on the passenger side and water came flowing from the hose as soon as the opening was lower than the top of the car level. The dealership did not perform the services billed. What I was told before leaving very disappointed was that they had performed the clean out procedure that would remove any blockage from all the drains, and the only remaining issue was that the hose had a leak in it where it attaches to the Sunroof. That was not the case, so I have ultimately been charged for services not rendered, and I would like a refund of the $128.40.

They have refunded me but this is still a bigger issue. I have photos of the part that I was told was serviced and it has no evidence of having been cleaned just the day before.


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