Tammy Godusi

3 years ago

We stay every year at Homestead and take the whole...

We stay every year at Homestead and take the whole family. Our last visit we decided after skiiing we would go horse back riding- me and my daug-in- law. This experience resulted in a ER trip and a laceration of my hand requiring sutures, antibiotic injections and pain medications for 2 weeks. I had a 6in laceration on my hand from the horse bucking me in a attempt to get me off the horse. While I understand horses can be a bit unpredictable, it is unsatisfactory that the Horse Guide with us could not recognize the horse was agitated and was at risk of making it a unsafe sitation for me and my daug-in-law. The horse was displaying erratic behavior from the second I mounted and I asked repeatedly if I should dismount. My daug-in-law asked as well seeing how upset the horse was behaving and would not listen to any commands. The Guide repeatly stated "I haven't seen this before" and never approached the horse, gave me guidance and appeared confused as to why the horse was acting that way. After 15 minutes, of asking for help, the horse bucked me and than raised up after I was not removed and upon my dismount, I cut my right hand with the bridle resulting in a 6 in deep laceration. My horse went to the horse my daug-in-law was on and agitated that horse until she also had to dismount. The entire time, the Guide never intervened. I am not blaming the horse, but the Horse Guide should have recognized the abnormal behavior and done SOMETHING. It was a very scary experience and one I felt could have been prevented. We were very lucky we were not severely injured. It made the entire rest of the trip miserable with my right dominant hand being unable to use.
Omni Homestead refused to pay any toward the cost of the ER- a 800.00 bill I received.
I would advised anyone going to be extremely cautious of the horse riding Guides and allowing small children or unexperienced adults to participate in the horse riding excursion. I am disappointed how this was handled by Omni and no responsibilty was taken by them. The Guide was completely incompetent. I wanted to warn anyone so this doesn't end up being tragic experience for some family.


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