3 years ago

We are stayin in suite #401.

We are stayin in suite #401.
In the morning I woke up to the scream of my kids. A giant cockroach was crawling on the towel.

We've alerted the front desk. A gentlemen came in 15 minutes and contained the issue. Can't say the conversation with the management went as well.
I spoke with Julia (Manager) she offered to downgrade us into a standard room immediately and move us into another Resort Suite after 3 PM. I told her that moving twice with the kids was unacceptable.

She called 45 minutes later to tell me that there was a Presidential Suite to which we can pay $150 a night to move into within the hour.

This blew my mind away.

To summarize, the options presented to me was to either move twice in a day or pay $150 every night for a clean room that we've deserved from day one.

It is now 11:30 AM. The morning is completely lost. Our kids are grossed out and my wife is unhappy. We did not have breakfast this morning. No one was in the mood to sit at the dining table and order breakfast... We just had Pringles and that was that.

We are not doing anything at the moment but on a stanby for a room to be available. We do not want to go out anywhere because we don't want the hotel to give out the available room in our absence. We are hostaged in here. This is unacceptable. This is very cruel.

All in all $150 a night ($300 total) isn't a lot of money. But its the matter of principle. As a customer, we have the right to a nice clean room. We should not move into three different rooms to get to a cleanroom NOR do I need to pay anything extra to get myself into a clean room. Offer by Julia is insulting.

We are repeat visitors here. we had wonderful steak/lobster dinner here last night. This morning, the past 6 hours have been miserable.

My wife and I had to take Friday and Monday off to make this short getaway a possibility. Time is precious. Who will reimburse us for our lost time?

This is not right.


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