Lance Foerster

4 years ago

Pathways....whew! I went to it 4yrs ago and left a...

Pathways....whew! I went to it 4yrs ago and left after the first day. I left thinking "I am not as broken as all them others." I hit ROCK BOTTOM 4yrs later. I drank every night, ate poorly, chain smoked, yelled at my wife and kids over petty stuff....sound like a ticking time bomb? That was me. Existing in life waiting to die.
I decided to return after I was left alone and abandoned by my wife. I went in with the thought that maybe I was missing something. I was. I discovered that I was failing to love myself, to put me first for a change.
"Change", is a word that sends fear into us. I was afraid of what was to happen, but I wasn't as afraid of that, as I was of leaving my 11yr old son without a father to raise him. To teach him things only I could teach.
Pathways asked me the right questions I'd never asked myself. They made me look into my heart like I'd never seen it. See things I'd never acknowledged. Feel the feeling I had longed for, the missing piece.
I found all the broken pieces in my heart and I learned it wasn't my fault, that it was a manageable acceptance to why I am the way I was. I changed my entire life. I saved my life through their training. I immediately began losing the 461lbs, sought a cure to my smoking, and began repairing my heart. The drinking left when I no longer needed that crutch. I have a new outlook on life, A new way I treat myself, a new way to WIN. I graduated January 7th, it wasn't an easy journey. But I'm a totally changed man. Joy, love, happiness, and kindness are ways People describe me now. I dropped 100lbs during the training because I no longer needed the "comforted" feeling when I went to bed. I live with honor and integrity for myself. My heart is full.
Now, I'm raising my son the right way, to win at life. Remember...you only get one shot. Accept the challenge to change your life.


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