Andy Conroy

4 years ago

Unprofessional customer service, shoddy workmanshi...

Unprofessional customer service, shoddy workmanship/craftsmanship, and poor service maintenance/repairs. Beauty Pools was initially recommended to us by a building contractor in 2008 when we were building our home. While the pool appeared to be in good working order during its first season of use, things couldn't have been further from the truth as it's been nothing but downhill since. The masonry and construction people at Beauty Pools did a really subpar job installing our pool, especially affixing the decorative tiles along the "wall" of our pool and the paver "collar" around the perimeter of our pool. We've lost countless decorative tiles, which we find in the bottom of our pool each and every season. The thing is, its near impossible getting Beauty Pools to address and correct these issues or fix anything in a timely, workmanlike manner - on multiple occasions we've waited until the following pool season to get them to re-affix tiles, only for them to fall off again the next season. What's worse is that we have a number of pavers along the "collar"/perimeter of our pool that are dangerously loose and represent a hazard to family and friends, which have still not been properly addressed or fixed by Beauty Pools. Not to mention the fact that every season we find more and more pieces of concrete in our pool and built-in hot tub as the integrity of the masonry joints continues to fail at an alarming rate. I know our pool is now almost 8 years old, but the integrity of the masonry and concrete began failing the first season after installation, which is definitely unacceptable and certainly not customary. Aside from the failing structural and aesthetic integrity of our pool, the maintenance personnel and back office service department are atrocious, which I attribute to the high level of personnel turnover. Service calls, requests and in-person conversations regularly go unanswered and unreported, and I find myself having to do the very jobs of the people who I am paying to maintain my pool. In my opinion, the level of ineptitude displayed by the service department at Beauty Pools borders on the imbecilic. I wish I was privy to the online reviews for Beauty Pools when we were looking to build our pool years back - I certainly would've gone elsewhere with my business as they have consistently failed to meet expectations. Caveat emptor - BUYER BEWARE!

P.S. Is it a coincidence that the only 2 positive reviews for this company were written within 3 weeks of each other last Fall? Something seems amiss...


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