3 years ago

I went to the ER 9/6/2020. I am 76. Had high blood...

I went to the ER 9/6/2020. I am 76. Had high blood pressure, sweating, heart palpation. Was seen right away it was 9:00 am the triage nurse took my vital was coughing like crazy took my temp with an old fashion mouth thermometer. Was taken back to the ER Nurse was JR who was great the doctor came in Dr Walker was super I was having spasm in the middle of my chest. They ran all the test which was great. Went in to get my MRI was laying there looked up and seen about 2 inches of dust on the machines arm. Got all the test run. Dr Walker came in said everything looked good have a couple of things I need to watch but other than that everything was good. Did some more blood work all of a sudden the blood work came back with a problem with my heart. I had one Dr come in don't remember his name told me I should stay the night just to be safe. The Cardiologist came in No Name drinking a Mt Dew had his mask half off told me everything looked good want me to stay the night to. Told me I had acid re flux.Waited to get a room only to find out there are no rooms available my back was killing me from laying in that bed for 8 hours its as hard as the ground. I found that out and signed myself out. All this time no water, was hungry. I loved this hospital always went here but it has gone down the tubes. All the Nurses I had and Dr Walker were great. but will not go back.


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