3 years ago

In the previous year or more that I have tried to ...

In the previous year or more that I have tried to call the public justice center for a issues I was having with unlawful landlords and no one has ever answered the phone or returned any voicemails. On March 5, 2019 an unidentified man answered the phone, purposely mispronouncing my name twice even after I corrected him. He was very indirectly condescending towards me. He refrerred me to a Ms. Sosi whom he said was the ONLY person who could help me with my matter on the issue at hand thst I requested legal advocacy for. Each time I called that day he referred to me by name without really knowing who I actually was. When I inquired why he had done so, he replied that he was going off of thr name on the caller ID. He insenuated that I was not a patient person or of one with common sense by stating that she is very good with returning within the same day if I just remained patient as if this was my first time calling and that they had an excellant record of returning calls. On March 6, 2019 I called again around 1249pm and the same gentleman picked up the phone and I inquired why Ms. Sosi had not returned my call which he began to dispute me asking was I sure I didnt miss her call and this was not of her character as if I was lying. I told the gentlenan that I would have gotten a notification of a missed call and/or voicemail. Might I add they NEVER have returned any of my voicemails. He also cited her extension but how could I even dial her extension if he immediately picks up the phone before letting the automated system initiate? This organization is frivolously and selfishly using our grants, charitable money, funds, and/or tax dollars to fund themselves and line their pockets and yet cannot return any phone calls or render any services to the public. If they cant or do not have not the staff to answer a simple phone call why are they getting paid? Why not someone who is passionate and actually able are willing to return phone calls. Why should these people who dont care about the advocacy of their clients and community be allowed to get a paycheck but yet others who are more qualified are not afforded the opportunity to have a job such as this. If the people cannot properly return the people's phone calls and render their legal services to them why are they allowed to still be employed and be funded for doing nothing?


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