4 years ago

After being admitted in an emergency situation, I ...

After being admitted in an emergency situation, I will say that doctors and nurses preformed competently. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, after threats to send me to collections , I am paying as slowly as possible out of pocket for covered service and providing a negative review of the whole organization because an inept coder protected by a hostile receptionist doesn't know how to do the job. Hospital billing staff I dealt with blamed "the system" while blocking access to decision and policy makers. The bill for an overnight stay of observation was 13,000.00. After 4 months of trying to resolve billing with multiple calls to insurance and the Dr., it is clear that whoever codes these things at the hospital is unaccountable, inaccessible and inept. The insurance company benefits advisor explained that services were covered in this circumstance and spent significant effort conveying this to the hospital. The hospital blamed the Dr. Office for incorrect coding, but the Dr. Office stated the hospital does the coding. When the insurance company is more helpful than the hospital, that pretty much says it all. One coder and a receptionist hold all the power. No checks and balances here that I can find.


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