3 years ago

So far...not so good.... before I have even had t...

So far...not so good.... before I have even had them provide service. This is my 2nd attempt to schedule an appt... will spare the details of the last one. In any case, I decided to try again. My appointment is tomorrow 2/12- but no one has contacted me with any details as time, confirming service..etc. So I decide to call them. I get customer service (which is whole other story, but to this point, I tried to confirm arrival time....slowly I pulled out of her 8-10. Then I ask, can you confirm what I am having done...answer, they will both be there??? what??? so I asked again, can you confirm my service... "uh, bid??? water heater?? uh hmmm...wait... " Sso I am pressed at work myself and she says, let me put you on hold, I say no please-- I am busy. Can you please research and call me back with the specifics I am looking for... silence, long silence... then I say hello???? Finally she says, I gonna put you on hold and find out, I say no please don't I have to go just call me back...again, she argues to out me on hold. Finally, I just say, I have to go... I'm late, please call me back. that was 9:43am this morning, it is 10:10am... how hard is it to look up my work order and call me back. My question to Rush... do I have an appointment tomorrow, what is it for and what time????? Fingers are crossed......


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