3 years ago

99% of the nurses and staff are amazing and so kin...

99% of the nurses and staff are amazing and so kind. However, I delivered my daughter here in October via Emergency Cesarean. My baby was out in under 2 minutes but when they started cutting I was SCREAMING that I wasn t numb. (I hadn t used my epidural for hours and I could fully move my legs) They didn t put me under either. They made my boyfriend go out of the room because of how bad/traumatizing it was. I truly believe I have ptsd from this. I could explain more in depth but I ll leave it at that.
Fast forward 8 months later - Today I brought my daughter in for fluids as she s so dehydrated. The nurse trying to insert her IV was so unorganized and losing everything. She blew veins in both of my daughters arms, then dropped the needle on the FLOOR and proceeded to pick it up to try to use again. I wish I wasn t leaving this kind of a review but I d like to share my experiences.


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