Claudia Ramos

4 years ago


I scheduled an appointment for my daughter and explained that she needed a procedure done so they gave me an appointment to see the ophthalmologist in two weeks. I had to take my daughter out of school early and when we got there we had to WAIT FOR 2+ HOURS to be seen. After an hour we had waited I had asked the receptionist when my daughter was gonna be seen and then is when they told us the doctor was late a little over an hour. So unprofessional! The receptionist asked me if I wanted to reschedule I said no. She also asked the doctor s assistant if my daughter was gonna be seen soon and the answer was negative. The doctor was running late! I went and asked for my money back, that was not possible because now takes several days! The receptionist talked to the doctor s assistant and she called my daughter after 5 minutes. As usual, we had to answer several questions and then go again to the waiting room. ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF! RIDICULOUS! Finally, the doctor called her and then, we had to wait for another 5 minutes, then the doctor got out of the room twice after being rudely interrupted by another assistant. Either WAY TOO MUCH or WE RE IN MIAMI.
IF YOU CAN AVOID THIS PLACE, DO IT. Unless you have plenty of time to waste.


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