Katie Rourke Dowding

4 years ago

Avoid at all costs.

Avoid at all costs.

The patronising doctor refused to follow NICE guidelines (2014) and despite being told what the condition was, refused the immediate treatment that was requested and required.

The result of this appalling faux pas has left me with Lyme Disease for life.

I was told that you cannot contract Lyme in Ascot (not true) and only sent for a blood test when I absolutely insisted it was necessary. I presented with a clear erythema migrans (bull's eye) rash and summer flu symptoms. NICE guidelines at the time suggested 2 weeks of Doxycycline for these symptoms to be offered straight away, without waiting for the results of the test.

By the time the bloods were back (positive for lyme) 10 days had elapsed and the single week of Doxycycline offered was too little and too late.

This same doctor left my husband on a practically paralysing dose of antidepressants and my request for a review was totally ignored.

We have changed practices as I believe this woman has destroyed my life.


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