Maureen Ohare

4 years ago

Went to ER diagnosis 6mm kidney stone. The soones...

Went to ER diagnosis 6mm kidney stone. The soonest laser surgery would be 3 months,,,yes 3 months in the future. Tried to call Urology Dept and no answer. Went in person and called right in front of receptionists...yes all 3 of them...no phone rang. They acknowlege for 3 months now photo service worked intermittentaly at best. Gave me a pre printed "call customer service" form and said to call them since their own complaints fell on deaf ears. Called Customer Service....yes they have known for over 3 months,,,,said to call KRON News and complain since their complaints were not working. Even Main number to hospital intermittently works.... 885-5000. Now to the good part. Finally after screaming in pain the put me in on standby. Had the operation ...by 3 Residents...Amatuers at best...they sent me home with a catheter bag full of blood. Then after two days of bleeding profusely and calling without being able to get thru on the phone we went down in person to Urology Dept. The Older bald headed doctor said "Do you have an appoointment?
Sure if you would have a phone system that worked. They drained cupfulls of blood clots from me, sent me home saying i would be fine, I said no i wouldn't, 20 steps later i'm filling up the cather with blood clots again. They said this was first time they ever experience this...well of course since they were all Residents with no practical experience!! It took the nurses to force the Resident doctors...all 3 of them..to put me in the hospital where i spent another 4 days. And it took the nurses in the hospital to force the doctors....no Resident Amatuers to keep me for the last 2 days. What a total HOUSE OF HORRORS. The nurses are absolutely GREAT!! The Resident doctors they use maybe for CHEAP WAGES absolutely SUCK! I could have died there!!! Right now I'm seeking other Hospitals so I won't almost die.Call it MALLEY MADNESS


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