4 years ago

Nothing. This hospitals mission is to deliver stic...

Nothing. This hospitals mission is to deliver stickly by caesarian (C-section). It is a system they have. First they administer synthetic oxytocin (pitocin) (to charge more $) that usually slows down opening of cervix but I increases contractions and PAIN. After this, the mom feels much more pain so more than likely will request narcotic pain relief ( morphine or the like) (again adding to the bill). They then up the dose on petocin to increase contractions and of course pain. After a while the IV administered pain relief will stop working ( note that the doctors will keep asking if you want the epidural since you first walk in) therefore making the patient want something much stronger, the epidural shot. The anesthesiologist will happily apply the shot (again a nice hefty charge added to bill) which will also hinder any further progress of potential vaginal delivery if patient has been induced ( by pitocin). From here on out the doc will check the cervix but only to play the part because they know if epidural is done before cervix is ripe it will stop it from opening (the epidural numbs from the waist down so how can cervix work if numbed. But regardless if cervix keeps opening doc will say its not and there's no progress (arrest dialation) and again over and over recommend a c section. In the end they will give you no option other than c section ( more $ added to bill). Ultimately their goal is to put you through all the steps leading up to a c section. The doctors get paid, the anesthesiologist gets paid the surgeon gets paid. Every body gets a piece of the pie.


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