Ed DeVaney

4 years ago

In response to Integra's response to Kat DeVaney:

In response to Integra's response to Kat DeVaney:
Your response is simply false. It is plain you have no problem being dishonest with your customers. At your company's request, to accommodate fire inspections for which we would not be present, we have dropped off no fewer than three keys with your company, two of which you have no record of. These were handed to the secretary who promised to keep them on file, which never happened.
Regarding changing the owners of the property, it makes sense that someone would need to change the record in person. That is a reasonable request, and not the issue we had with your company. The problem we had was with Tess and Cindyrae, the owners of Integra. Your secretary and staff were fine, and looked embarrassed to be involved with this situation. Property management companies have a history of being falsely maligned. In this case your impatience in explaining the situation, the fact that you did not stay in the room to continue the conversation, instead choosing to scream names at me from the other room, and your unwillingness to even talk to me because my name was not on the document, instead making me call my mother-in-law (whose name was on the document), then refusing to talk to her once she was on the line; all of these issues are why we gave you a negative review.
Instead of taking responsibility for your actions as owners of the company, you choose to disparage your customers. This is why we call you unprofessional and rude.
I made my displeasure known calmly, without raising my voice. I told you I was frustrated, that I did not appreciate being yelled at from other rooms, and that I expected an apology. Apparently you interpret this as being loud. When no apology was forthcoming, I left.


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