
3 years ago

I used to really love this YMCA but it has went ex...

I used to really love this YMCA but it has went extremely down hill! They offer many programs for kids and youth. My sons have played flag football for years here and haven't had any issues and really enjoyed it until this year! They started sectioning off the parking lot by the fields that are a good walk from the fields already, let alone an even farther one. I asked about it and was told it is done because they do not want people trying to use the side door and apparently some program that runs from 8 to 6 does stuff in there sometimes. I have never seen a single thing done or people using that parking lot EVER! Let alone during these practices that are at 5 p.m. They were not interested in helping people in these community programs even those who require the handicap parking and close parking due to disability. They continued to block if off and not allow any parents to park anywhere near the practice. I also had my son at this practice who had to use the restroom really badly (number 2), we tried the couple porta potties that are a long walk away from where we are only to find them absolutely disgusting! They only come in to do anything once a month even during COVID! One of them had green mildew ridden toilet paper!! So i hurried him into the YMCA and said my son just needs to use the bathroom really quickly. She proceeded to stop me and my son who has been holding it forever now due to their disgusting porta potties, and said if your not a member i cannot let him use the bathroom quick. I said we signed up for your football program which we are currently doing right now, we are members. That is not a member, your only a "community member" and we cant allow your young child to use the bathroom quickly which she then tried to justify with COVID. Apparently COVID is okay if I would have handed her over 100 dollars for a membership right then! It was disgusting what they did and their attempt to use COVID when I confronted her on her bias of not allowing a young child access to bathroom facilities while they are participating in THEIR PROGRAM was ridiculous! How anyone could do this is beyond me! Clearly the YMCA does not offer anything to their "paying community members" including access to usable and sanitary bathroom facilities!! I was absolutely disgusted by this behavior and will never use this facility or their programs again! I will continue to inform the schools and parents the type of treatment they will receive when choosing to do their "paid community programs". Treating people as second class citizens who don't even have the right to use a bathroom when they have paid for your companies program is a whole new low! This YMCA needs some serious changes made and a few lessons on discrimination and bias because their behavior and attitude was abhorrent. "Paying Community Members" do not fall under the YMCA's goals of protecting against COVID because they only allow disgusting porta johns that only see a cleaning once a month if that. Please keep this is mind if you ever want to participate in their programs. You are treated like trash that rolled in off the street and children are not given access to basic bathroom facilities!! Disgusting behavior from a place that charges hundreds of dollars per person to do anything here!!


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