Erin Leinhauser

4 years ago

Attending a wedding a couple weeks ago at historic...

Attending a wedding a couple weeks ago at historic society. Things were going decently, staff was doing their job as expected. The bar starts to run out of glasses and no solution seems to be arising. Not the end of the world because it's towards the end of the night.
Shortly after that, bride tells her bridesmaids (of which I am one) to grab a drink the bar is about to close. I get over there and get a drink, there's a group behind me that appeared to be in so another bridesmaid stands behind them. A tall man with a creepy thin mustache (seems to be a shift leader or manager) decides he's cutting the bar off right behind me. At this time the other bridesmaid realizes that the group in front of her is not in line and asked if she was able to get a drink since it was obvious we thought the group was in line and he SAW HER standing there waiting. The other bridesmaid kindly said she was standing there because the bride told us the bar was closing. Not only did this 'manager' escalate the situation for no reason, I believe the exact quote was 'that's ignorant to get the bride and groom involved'
Excuse me?!?! First of all, learn how to use the word correctly. Oh wait, I forgot that this is why I moved away from Baltimore and out of Maryland - because of the complete lack of caring that you sound like a moron. Secondly, did you really just say that to guests / customers, let alone the bridesmaids who are likely THE CLOSEST PEOPLE TO THE BRIDE AND GROOM?! Thirdly, did you pick the only 2 people attending the wedding who WORK
IN HOSPITALITY (hotels), specifically one who has a side job working events just like this, in locations with out catering facilities? Yup, you did. Good job.
Me and the other bridesmaid then go up to the bride and groom and calmly just mention that the guy who appears to be a manager was just ridiculously rude to us. The manager than comes over with a raised voice (mind you he also has no idea if we even told the bride and groom because we were talking calmly...) and just starts defending himself. Way to put the icing on the cake and make yourself look worse by bursting over and saying something when you don't have a clue what we said to the new married couple. We actually had to ask him to leave because we were done talking to him about the situation and we weren't about to have the bride and groom get upset.
It's a shame that one of your employees caused this negative review. The rest of your staff seemed all right. One lady in particular, had an accent from a Caribbean island, was lovely, before the ceremony started, she came over the bride and maids, got us situated, reminded us to drink water and ready to go! I think she could tell we looked a little nervous and scattered but she knew what to do. Got the brides veil and dress laying perfectly, etc. she should probably be the person to shut down the bar in the future. I'm sure she would be a thousand times more appropriate.


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