Rona Wilson

4 years ago

Hello to all interested parties:

Hello to all interested parties:

I'd like to share with you my experience with the Kedren FSP program and there exceptional staff members.

During my season with the FSP program, I was given the the mental health therapy, support and guidance I needed to reclaim my life and begin a positive path for my future.

There are many resources and benefits to being a part of the Kedren family if you hold on, be patient and let them help you. It may seem impossible at first, whatever your goals are. Well, I'm here to tell you with the right team, for you, in your corner and faith in God, you'll accomplish your goals.

If I can go from the bottom to the top, so can the next Man or Woman. Just believe!

Thank You Kedren,

Rona A Wilson
Fully Self Sufficient

Special thanks to Alesia Darden, Karina Maag, Sharmel Jackson and Daniel O' Connel.


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