Bre A
Review of Hotel Arts

4 years ago

Well, where to start. I was so excited to treat my...

Well, where to start. I was so excited to treat my staff to a night out at this chic cute hotel that we had been interested in staying in. Upon check-in, the staff was really helpful I was so impressed. I should have waited before assuming that I was impressed.

Our afternoon started off at the pool, it was nice. This was the only GOOD part of our stay at Hotel Arts.

I began to see things throughout the day and even more so into the night that really caused me to watch my surroundings even more. We returned from our night out at about 1am, when we arrived at the hotel there was no security checking access cards or guests and monitoring the doors. I was rather surprised to see this, considering lower classed hotels have better security protocols. When you pay 200+ a night for a room, you would expect to feel safe..

At about 1:15am there was a commotion going on in the hallway of our floor. Seconds after there was someone banging on our door. I looked out and didn't see anyone. Fast forward a few minutes later we had opened the door and there was a man, extremely high and intoxicated trying to come into our room, the doors are slow to close and despite the fact that they tell you they have secondary chain locks on the doors, THEY DO NOT. At this point, my guests and I were noticeably shaken up. Shortly after that, the fire alarm started to engage, I called the front desk from our phone (the phones in the rooms are ancient and don't even work) We were told to evacuate the hotel. Scared to leave our room, we ran for the staircase. It was complete chaos. We waited outside the hotel to be told it was safe to return to our rooms. At this point, we definitely did not feel safe. I proceeded to talk to the concierge to find out if this man who was intoxicated had been removed from the property. In the most condescending demeanor the concierge told us that checks were done on every floor, It was safe. Not even 5 minutes later, the man who was trying to gain access to our room, walked out of the elevator, wearing 1 shoe, bleeding with a broken plate in his hand just walked past security and the front desk and out on the street.

Nothing was done to ensure this man was no longer in the building, the lack of care for the safety of guests is something I have never experienced in my life. We are a group of 3 women, and the staff did nothing to ensure we felt safe enough to stay. They told us they do floor checks every hour and that the elevators are guarded by key cards. So I guess that makes it okay to not have security.

As the night grew on, the number of events continued to happen, There was so many sex workers, escorts, men, that continued to come in and out of the hotel. Not to mention the blatantly clear amount of drug dealers. THERE is no security monitoring the doors, people are able to come and go off the street as they please without being questioned.

How is something so seriously taken so lightly? as if it's not even a matter of importance. The manager was happy to refund our room but that was it. It just feels like there is a bigger picture going on.

The sex workers seem to have a deal with the night staff.. maybe that's why they don't pay any attention to the people that are entering the building.

If you are considering staying here for a work trip, alone, with a group of women or with your family. DO NOT STAY HERE. This place is dangerous, there are no other words for it. This place is corrupt, there is a lot more going on then what appears. This is not a family-friendly hotel. Its basically like the TNC of downtown.

I will never be able to forget this experience and the traumatic events that happened on Sept 5th 2020. Stay safe.


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