Question the NarrativE

4 years ago

Had left Anne Arundel Community college to attend ...

Had left Anne Arundel Community college to attend here and apply to the nursing program. This school, buildings, and the overall population of people were GREAT. Took Moral Phylosphy (Honor's Ethics) with Dr. Bill Rice, who was FANTASTIC! EXCELLENT class, great teaching style. Most schools tend to lean left, however here it feels extremely neutral. However, Professor Shawn Sager's, my speech professor was the opposite of Dr. Rice. The day she noticed I wore a TeamTrump shirt, her whole attitude changed. She did not make reasonable accomodations for me,even though I went to disability services. She asked me for proof my grandmother was dying, YES..she actually asked for a doctor or nurse to write an explanation of what was wrong with her, how long she has been in the hospital and contact information for the. Very inappropriate and a HIPPA violation. She had numerous complaints and taught the class as if we were children and had no idea what an outline is, and always told us what to do our speech on, which was usually about some foundation. Besides her, loved this school. Highly recommend and really enjoyed it.


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