4 years ago

I had my surgery yesterday. The surgery that 3 Drs...

I had my surgery yesterday. The surgery that 3 Drs over 4 yr period told me I didn't need. My jouney was rather long. My calciums weren't really that high. 10.0 10.1 10.4 10.2. So along with the PTH that went up and down 60, 75,107,60,118. You get the picture. The Drs in Pittsburgh did 24 hr urines and it was very low so they kept telling me I had FHH. No amount of good questions I'd throw at them would change their mind. I did my homework and constantly read about the Norman Parathyroid Center. Finally my Primary care Dr asked me if I ever considered going to Florida. I had to admit I was tempted but didn't know if they were "for real". He said that he'd had patients go there and were satisfied. Well that's where it started. I sent them a message they got back to me, got my medical records and in a week Dr Mitchell himself called me and said you definitely have parathyroid disease so if you want to come down here we'll take care of it. Well there it was, the answer I'd been searching for for 3-4 yrs. Now I was nervous, scared, and could not even believe I was going to go 1200 miles for surgery. But here I am in my hotel and after surgery yesterday stuck around the hotel, took a nap, and went out for a light supper. Yes it's swollen, and a little uncomfortable, but not any major pain. Went to see the Manatees today. Was gone all day. Still fine. Oh, by the way. What did they find? They found the tumor, in fact they found two! The two tumors that according to 3 other well known endocrinologists I couldn't have all because my urine calcium was too low. So if you are getting the same type anwers I was then look no further. These Drs will figure it out. I included some of my numbers to show they weren't particularly high but for my age over the period 64-67 they were. Well believe me when I say I was nervous. How could these Drs know what all these others didn't? Because they are passionate about helping people with this disease. It's all they do and they do it right. Everyone was great. All 3 Drs talked to me and my family and all 3 (Dr Mitchell, Dr Norman, and Dr Lopez) were in the operating room. Everyone was wonderful and so professional. I finally feel vindicated and hope to continue to get back some of the things this disease takes away from you. I can't thank them enough. You will too.


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