Simone Dorsey

4 years ago


The check in and check out process was swift. The front desk staff were courteous and funny. We were given great tickets for events around the harbor. The room was a good size and the view from the balcony was divine.

The only things I did not care for were parts of the bathroom. Our bathroom door was a non-locking pocket door with predominately frosted glass. The bathroom did not have a fan or a vent so everyone else in the room got to hear your bodily orchestra and smell the ungodliness of your insides. The shower was a standing only shower with clear sliding window doors. It happened to be situated parallel to the frosted window pocket door, just far enough that your silhouette can still be seen. You will see things that can never be unseen. You are about to become agonizingly close in so many spheres, you won't want to call each other for a long while; however, not doing so after this would just feel wrong.

So, be a good friend and hang out on the balcony and close the curtains when someone uses the restroom for ANY reason. You'll thank me in the morning...or you'll regrettably understand.


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