Amber Clark

4 years ago

Now I would love to give this school five stars I ...

Now I would love to give this school five stars I really would but I have to say that the academic advisors are not as available as I would like them to be but that is my only beef with the school. Now as far as the school itself is concerned. The school if FULLY accredited both regionally and nationally. They were at risk of losing their accredidation a few years back but it was because of their sister school for their associates program through the Apollo group which had nothing to do with the schools ability to admninister a proper education. Now for those who think they are a rip off, yeah most schools are for profit so they are going to be expensive. I am part of their military division given I am a spouse to an active duty member and I have to say that I have had a wonderful educational experience. I have obtained an AA, BS, and soon an MBA. For those who expect that online schooling is going to be easy are sadly mistaken. In fact, online school can be harder than traditional learning because you have to be able to learn without a lot of assitance. It is a learn as you go program that requires a lot of reading and dedication on your part. The instructors teach multiple classes so they are not going to be at your beckon call but they do respond and they are helpful. Yeah you will get a few bad apples but you get that with any school you attend. There are many who want to see their students succeed but then there are those who are overloaded and those instructors do get reported. Now for those who say they just hand out degrees, that is a load of crap. They don't hand them out, you have to earn it like you do with any other school. I think the problem here is that there are many who expect to have online learnig be a breeze and think that they can just pop on whenever and the teacher will be willng to work with them. Online schooling is for resposible, well organized adults who can juggle life without expecting a handout. I have been in school for almost six years, have two kids I had to raise, moved four times (two moves being overseas), dealt with TDY's and deployments, and a job all while going to school and never stopped once. So for those who say "oh it does not truly cater to working individuals" guess again. Also for those who say that employers laugh at them when they say where they went to school, that is a load of crap!!!! Yes I said it a load of crap, my father is a NP who recieved his degree from UoP and he is a well respected person in his office, friends attended UoP and work high positions both business and medical administration and I started off as a mid range administrator when I got hired on by my firm. It is called get yourself priroties in gear, have a plan, show dedication, stop finding excuses, and get to it. That simple.


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