3 years ago

Lunch at Bucca, Campbell was worst experience EVER...

Lunch at Bucca, Campbell was worst experience EVER... Went w/ hubbie for his birthday and our son. We're not complainers and after 30 yrs of marriage, never once has hubbie returned food. The brussel sprouts were deep fried and burnt and unediblet! The mgr. (Carl) actually said he doesn't even like them.
OK, we are happy people and bypassed the lousy service and after spending $125.00 (incl. $35.00 pizza to go)... I received an email from OpenTable as soon we got home saying that they would appreciate next time we can't make reservation to please cancel... So I contacted them and they corrected it... Even after making reservations a week prior by phone and the internet, The hostess marked us as a "no show"...Really? $125.00 no shows?
Here's the real scoop... When we arrived, yeah the hostess was a lil bewildered and made us wait while she checked our res.... It was Sunday at 12:45 and they weren't even busy! We were seated way in the back, I mean like "nosebleed section" lol, (we were wondering if it was because our son is in a wheelchair?)... And our waiter, Romeo, "finally" came around and it took him at least 15 minutes to get my wine and water (jokingly I asked him if he had to go out back and stomp the grapes)!
More complaints: Had to get up to ask for more water; parmesan ( not fresh btw); pepper flakes; and bill... at least 4 times, when the waiter finally came around, hubbie commented that he "waiter" must be running the whole restaurant and waiter said no just this section... Well there were only three tables with customers and one had left 30 minutes prior and the messy table was not cleaned the whole entire time (in my view).
When I called the manager after reading the email, he said we were happy when we left, and I told him it's my husbands birthday and I wanted to leave on a positive note... said goodbye and thank you! Because we are good business people, well mannered and respectable in the business and social community
Oh, one other thing, because I'm a diabetic, I wanted a meatball, which states on the menu $8.00 each and waiter told me I had to buy 3... He was actually wrong...


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