John McCoyIII

4 years ago

The Norman Parathyroid Center is the real deal. Th...

The Norman Parathyroid Center is the real deal. They set the state of the art for curing parathyroid disease. What they claim on their web site is exactly what I experienced at Tampa. I am at this writing 72 hours post op. I have no discomfort at all. What they do and how they do it seems a miracle. That is how expertise appears. Their claims to gracious patient care are true. It will be the best patient centered care you will ever receive.

I am a 78 year old man from New Hampsire whose doctor recognized my elevated calcium level in routeen blood test as parathyroid disease. He explained what the disease is caused by and what the long term detrimental effects would be. And, surgery is a cure. To confirm the tentative diagnoses, I took a blood test for parathyroid hormone. Elevated parathyroid hormone proved I had the disease. I had no noticeable, to me, symptoms. My doctor indicated this was a disease he might no see as often as once a decade, uncommon but not rare. Trusting I had excellent research skills he set me to researching how I would treat this condition. I was convinced to have surgery as soon as practical as time was not on my side. A Google search indicated immediately the Norman Parathyroid Center with its impressive data, and to me boasting. I did not want to trek to Tampa when Boston hospitals are renouned to have world class medicine. I was surprised to find parathyroid surgery at Boston was not world renowned. Further I read the testimonials about treatment at NPC, about 200 testimonials. Within those testimonials, there were 50 from medical professionals, doctors, surgeons and operating room nurses who gave rave reviews of their treatment at NPC. Through professional contacts these persons had far better resources to evaluate NPC than I. Drilling down into these medical professionals, I found 5 from the the Boston area with several associated with the big name teaching hospitals. My conclusion was NPC is where I would go to cure my Parathyroid disease. I notified my doctor who indicated he was not used to his paticents having surgeries outside our area, but bottom line he trusted my decision. I contacted NPC, submitted my medical information, received my consultation from Dr. Lopez, and scheduled my surgery at Tampa General Hospital.

On July 23, 2018, Dr. Lopez assisted by Dr. Boone removed two bad parathyroid glans. I am cured! I went from never hearing about parathyroid disease before June sixth to cured on July twent- third. I believe this could only happen through Norman Parathyroid Center. Not only as well done but as quickly.

Dr. Lopez, my nurse Leo and all the people at NPC treated me as a patient and a person in a superlative manner I can not explain in words. I am sure any NPC team that treated you would do as well. They are brilliant. What you read on their web site and apt is what you will get, there are none better. It's the real deal.


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