
kedrick head trip

4 years ago

Nobody responds to emails and there aren't any "ad...

Nobody responds to emails and there aren't any "advocates".

Beware of discrimination called mentalism or sanism. Those labelled "mentally ill" are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators, the vast majority of them are never violent; and anybody can be misdiagnosed so drugs are pushed. I'm not necessarily against all psychiatry, I'm unimpressed by anything prone to misuse. There's political abuse of psychiatry, and there's also abuse without politics.

Unqualified staff never heard of an autistic genius or savant syndrome. They thought I couldn't be autistic since I'm not low functioning. I was a prodigy in elementary school, before being forced into "special education" because I couldn't tolerate bullying.

I was coerced to take drugs causing drowsiness, thrown in detention for sleeping in class, and forced to witness seclusion and restraint.

In states where medicinal cannabis has been relegalized, many unqualified doctors are still around. Their archaic ignorance is disastrous. The laws target people, not drugs. Said hate mongering has more to do with classism than racism, they just won't admit it. Without any medical reason to criminalize medical necessity, the jazz musicians and Mexican immigrants were among the targets.
European bigots influenced their American counterparts. Medical necessity was already banned throughout Europe before the United States.

The junky staff at detox wards say, "do as we say, not as we do", pretending to be opiophobic so they can keep drugs for themselves, and eat in front of the patients only allowed hospital food. At Bristol Hospital, Dr. Nachiyappan Manoharan threatened forced injections of Zyprexa.
Dr. Christopher Yergen is a bully at New Britain General Hospital. He claims trauma victims are "more than just a little bit paranoid", as if the witnesses are liars. That's not"trauma informed care", yet another bully won't admit trauma happens.

Dr. Jeffrey Shelton is reprehensible.
Over and over, he forces patients through the revolving door via "Physicians Emergency Certificates" when there's no emergency. Dr. Shelton scoffed at me when I told him medicinal cannabis is how I concentrate.

Medicinal cannabis saves lives. Its users are motivated, not "apathetic and lazy"; that's borrowed from a stereotype about Mexicans.
Dr. Fred Reindell claims mellow people are "the classic case of bipolar with psychotic tendencies.
Dr. John A. Nazarian of Community Mental Health Affiliates claims mellow people are "schizoaffective, bipolar" because of falsified medical records.
Sara Carlson Allwood misquoted me in the Intake Assessment. I described my traumatic past during the intake, made it clear I have PTSD, and said medicinal herb helps. This wasn't mentioned. I was falsely accused of "abusing alcohol" when I said I don't drink, not even occasionally.
Margaret Pienezak harassed me to cause anxiety attacks. Joanna Haffner unlawfully evicted me. I was thrown to the streets without warning.
The Department of Public Health allows violations. Alice Martinez despises medicinal herb, and claims CMHA's only violation was not coercing me to discontinue use. The treatment plan didn't reflect my goals.
I'm rising above the abuse. I write about my experience to provide examples. It's about more than any particular person or facility. The people mentioned could be replaced. It'll take a lot to make a difference. I'm working on it.


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