Robert Blake

3 years ago

My 87 year old uncle who lives in Delaware County,...

My 87 year old uncle who lives in Delaware County, but got his back surgery at University of Penn is now at Crozer for attention to another issue that arose while he was in Belvedere Nursing Home for rehabilitation to get him strong enough to return home.

As a result of his surgery, he has staples in his incision that now needs removal. The doctors assigned to his floor (Crozer staff doctors, not his personal doctor) refuses, I repeat refuses to remove his staples ( a relatively simple procedure for a doctor) as requested in his Penn releases papers...because he did not get his surgery at Crozer!!

The Penn surgeon's staff person my cousin (uncle's daughter) has been in contact with about this says in the many years she has been in her position, she has not experienced any doctor(s) responsible for a patient's care, even if temporally, refused to remove incision staples because the procedure was not performed by them or team doctors at their hospital. Outrageous.

Now he may have to be transported back to Penn just to have the staples removed at great inconvenience and expense.

Because of this incident, I would not advise anyone to take their elder to Crozer-Chester Medical Center hospital for any after care treatment. And they still have no idea what is causing my uncle's specific very painful issue after days there. The quality of care at Crozer has deteriorated horribly. Although I and my cousins found the nursing and CNA's care of their father satisfactory.

I am strongly encouraging my cousins to file an official complaint against these doctors to Crozer upper management to determine if this is hospital policy or these doctor's specific refusal to attend to a relatively minor procedure that would take them a minute to perform.


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