Lola Brooks

3 years ago

6 years ago, I was a big fan of Locicero Medical G...

6 years ago, I was a big fan of Locicero Medical Group. I like the "all inclusive" concept; doctor's office, GYN, weight management, dermatology, lab, imaging center, ect. I was a fan of their use of technology and the way they had a relationship with Memorial Hospital that is located next door for anything that was needed, but could not be provided in office.

Now, I am sad to say that I am very disappointed in the changes that have been made. Since I have been going to Locicero Medical, I have only laid eyes on Karen Locicero 3 times. One time was in the office 5 years ago, and the other 2 times were when I was admitted to Memorial Hospital, and she HAD to see me as she was doing her morning rounds.All the other times that I have had appointments, for sickness or otherwise, it has been with a nurse practitioner.This is in no way to degrade their profession, but for once, when I pay for a visit to the doctor's office, I would like to see a DOCTOR.

During my last visit in December 2014, I complained of abdominal pains and requested lab work. This was the most IMPERSONAL exam I have ever seen. They never touched me... period. The triage nurse (for lack of a better name) placed a clamp on my finger and made a comment about my oxygen being low, pointed a laser thermometer to my temple, and used an automatic blood pressure machine on my wrist. When I say the nurse practitioner, I was told to sit on the table (fully dressed) and she asked me to point at where it hurt, and describe the pain. She never laid a finger on me to try to better identify the issue. She prescribed a refill of my standard meds, along with some lab work and my annual mammogram.

I got the lab work and the mammogram, and the results were sent to their office. It is now Feb 2015, and I had to call their office to try to get the results. I was told by the office that they will mail me the results, and if I had any questions, I could call back and set an appointment. To say the least, that is an extremely poor way to handle patients. I am perplexed as to why they did not follow-up with me regarding the results or at least send them without me having to call. I wounder if anyone has even reviewed the results. I seriously doubt it. Do they get the results, and just stick them in your file without proper review? But since they have been expanding, this is the normal course of business for LMG. It has turned into an hands off, non-compassionate, medical mill.

I am not sure if he is still there, but Dr. Jose Rodriguez was a GYN that was practicing at LMG. He is a fine doctor and excellent surgeon and I hope that these negative reviews do not impact his practice. He still has the compassion that is required to care for his patients.

UPDATE 2020 - vast improvement in services. Open 7 days a week and more appointments available. Staff members more caring and attentive. They made a change for the better.


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