SteveandJane Morris

4 years ago

My wife gave birth to our son November 29th, 2012 ...

My wife gave birth to our son November 29th, 2012 at Illinois Masonic Hospital and went to the OB/GYN at Ravenswood on Damen. She saw three different doctors in the months leading up to the delivery - Dr. Sodini, Dr. Delfinado and Dr. Graber. The doctor attending the birth was Dr. Modee, and the resident was named Dr. Granberry.

At first, my wife saw Dr. Delfinado and Dr. Sodini. These doctors were high energy, very modern doctors who seemed friendly and quite educated. The assistants and office staff were the stars here. They were extremely helpful with scheduling and very friendly at all times, with only one unnamed exception. If you go there, you will figure it out.

Due to the FMLA law, I as husband was able to go with her to every single appointment and ultrasound. As the pregnancy progressed, Dr. Delfinado and especially Dr. Sodini became especially frantic and hurried, ALWAYS mentioning induction. The other doctor, Dr. Graber was the by far easily the best as far as personality. She was totally down to earth and willing to meet us halfway during appointments. We felt like we were talking to an educated friend. As the delivery came closer, Dr. Sodini made some off kilter comments and seemed like she had drank a bit too much coffee before appointments. Dr. Delfinado was very friendly, but not genuinely. She seemed as if she spends all of her time around very wealthy people who are pretentious and egotistical. I don't say that lightly, but it simply the feeling I got. When delivery time was just a week or two away, they pushed and pushed for induction, which after the fact and as second opinions were sought, was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. The baby was delivered perfectly healthy, praise God, and the labor lasted less than 12 hours, again, praise God. I would recommend, as a husband looking in, to avoid the Ravenswood practice at all costs and try hard to get your insurance to approve another practice. We loved Dr. Graber, but the others made us feel like we were victims in "The Business of Being Born".

Also, during the labor, the resident Dr. Granberry would occasionally step in with this utterly disgusted look on her face and make vague, threatening comments. Dr. Modee was blank and hard-faced and mentioned C sections several times. She honestly seemed like my wife could die right in front of her and she would shrug and start doing the paperwork. We felt like we were treated horribly by these two totally disconnected, mean-faced and extremely uppity and egotistical doctors. If you deliver here, you will know Dr. Granberry and Dr. Modee by these comments right when you see them. My advice to pregnant mothers and their husbands is educate yourselves on pregnancy and do your best not to pay the doctors there any mind. Your baby will come out healthy and naturally with little to no input from Dr. Modee and Granberry. They are a disgrace.

Lastly, the nurses were absolute stars and bright points at the hospital. With the exception of one nurse in her mid to late twenties named Brenda (SUPER FAKE FRIENDLY AND UNGODLY STUCK UP) who seemed like she just hated being there, every single other nurse was soooo sweet and treated my wife as family with tenderness and solid care. I truly believe the nurse Phebe deserves and award. The OB/GYN at the hospital, an older Indian woman with a thick gujarat accent, named Dr. Sammi was the sweetest, best doctor I have ever met. She really seemed like she cared about my wife and little baby son. We loved her.

I hope this helped someone. Husbands, if you are reading this and your insurance says to deliver here, my advice is try for a suburban practice, or to use midwives. Avoid Dr. Granberry and Dr. Modee, and do your best to have your wife deliver elsewhere. Thank you for reading. This is two years later, and I've been thinking about this a lot, as my wife is pragnant again and we will never make the same mistake by going here.

Good luck and God bless your little babies !!!!!


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