4 years ago

If only I could warn everyone about this school, e...

If only I could warn everyone about this school, even though they should never be referred to as such. I completed 57 credits and somehow managed to accumulate over $50,000 in student loans, not including my out of pocket expenses. I was consistently lied to about the loans and now I'm so far in debt that there is no end in sight. The enrollment officers are not well trained and provide false information. The academic and financial advisors also hide the truth. Numerous complains were made by myself and others in regards to instructors and academics throughout my time their but with little mediation. Out of the 57 credits only 14 transferred, which intelligence is not an issue as I'm a 4.0 GPA student at my other school, which is actually academically credible. The school lies to obtain government money and preys upon lower income individuals. You will struggle to find a job with any degree you obtain from here as the quality of education is comparable to a primary level. Often teachers do not meet the necessary requirements and standards to teach classes so we played a lot of games in class. Tests are never actually given, except a few online ones for math. Teachers hand other student papers to other class member to grade, what's the point of paying the teacher if the students are doing their job. If you like writing papers that mean absolutely nothing and not actually read by most teachers than this school is for you. What can you really expect to learn in 5 weeks and still wonder why you cant get a job after attending UOP. When you do need to transfer good luck getting those transcripts as the school does everything in their power to delay that process. Almost a month now, many emails and phone calls and still no response to the documents I need to transfer properly, go figure. Society needs to do itself a favor and ban and discredit this "business" as it is a complete waste of time and massive amounts of money. Almost 10 years later and I still cant get back on my feet because of this school. Additionally, All my account history/payments has been "archived" after I made a BBB complaint and was told I need to sign consent forms to receive this information. I also was placed on a do not email list, even though they have been emailing me to in reference to a syllabus but wont for my payment history. No wonder it is such a joke. Did I forget to mention this a school you can cheat to get through because guess what a fellow student got caught plagiarizing and the school received complaints but took no measures to reprimand that student by any means. Numerous complaints were made but that student still received an A. Sadly this institution gives a bad name and creates a fear for others who wish to pursue higher education. There is a reason many celebrities, tv shows, and comedians out there publicly make fun of the school. Do yourself a favor and jump in a giant hole before you attend this school, same principle. Go to a real school, start at a community college, apply yourself, get legitimate funding and receive an education worth paying for. I also made other complaints through the dispute management a while back that were rather significant but they were ignored/brushed to the side.


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