Randy Warner

3 years ago

NONE of the doctors located just around the hospi...

NONE of the doctors located just around the hospital are on staff. What does that tell you?? They have to recruit doctors from afar and even then they have had DOZENS of doctors to come and go. As it stands now it appears they have a handful of contract doctors and a few doctors that somehow they've managed to hold onto and a lot of NP's to see patients and to my knowledge none or most of them are NOT certified in psychiatry. The administration has education in counseling and I guess playing the game to get where they got to and it's one big pot of nepotism. It is a small miracle that many haven't died in the facility as far a while there was not even a defibrillator that is readily available on airplanes, buses,etc. Kids having sex on the units, tattoing each other, kids escaped and ended up in Florida and one was injured. One patient escaped years ago and carjacked a woman and everything is kept hush hush. A nearby facility in Newnan wanted a hospital to serve their community and the ring leader to keep them from opening was this hospital. The administrator Wayne Senfeld I won't even get into. I once thought he was ok but now....hmm...I think nothing of him. He's now promoted to VP of Business Development supposedly but Paula Gresham I think is sitting in the chair as the administrator. Doctors are treated like garbageIthis one was and I think i can get others to attest) and the doctors they get has been like a revolving door. ADMINISTRATION has access to audio and video surveillance throughout the facility and for what reasons or purposes I don't know. The entire place needs to be investigated and TMC in general needs to be investigated by higher authorities and a good clearing out of as the community deserves better. In my opinion , this is a good ole boy system orchestrated out of Carrollton (the main hospital campus of TMC) that has been running the show in the community. They claim to be a not for profit community hospital when in fact they are a hospital that has taken over in the community. It's an awful situation and only in rural GA i would imagine this whole thing would be allowed.


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