Syl Hoeve

4 years ago

Dear reader,

Dear reader,

unfortunately I have to write n negative review. I will also submit this to the complaints committee.

3 years ago I had clogged meibomian glands which caused bumps on my eyelid. Helped well in the Elizabeth hospital in Tilburg.

This year I got the same complaints, 2 bumps on my eyelid. My doctor gave me a referral to the 2Steden ZH in Waalwijk, because the waiting time would not be that long there. The reference clearly stated: remove 2 bumps (in Latin names).

On May 11th it was my turn. What is my surprise: I was dripped in both eyes, had to read letters and I was measured eye pressure (minimum after 1 hour waiting time). I also said: that has nothing to do with my bumps, there is nothing wrong with my eyes, I have my own ophthalmologist for that. No, was the answer, we go for the total picture. We don't do anything about those bumps yet ... after that, in my opinion nonsensical and unnecessary, research I could go again.

On June 1, I was helped by Dr. Croonen. The anesthetic injections were quite roughly sprayed in, I almost hit the ceiling. The only thing that was said was: yes, sensitive right? Ms managed to remove 1 bump, I had to be able to get rid of the 2nd with massaging. But I had tried that for months (I replied, I am not here for nothing).

Called GP with this story. They also found the way of doing things not really appropriate. He gave me a referral to the Elisabeth hospital, with the same doctor who had helped me for 3 years.

Totally different approach. 1 eye was dropped, the eye where the one bump was still there. The anesthetic injections were brought in with great caution with the words: deep breath, deep breath, well if ... yes, that's fine. Are you okay, ma'am?

Very good guidance. It hurt but was manageable because of his soft hand and guidance. He also said: I once had something like this myself and since then I have been doing it very carefully because I know how much it hurts.

I also received a prescription for eye ointment to prevent infections. I received nothing from the 2Steden.

I then also presented my complaint about the approach to my treatment to this doctor at the EZ: he said: yes, the total picture is done because they want to exclude all risks. But that should have been communicated to you so that you would have had the choice.

Syl Hoeve

Yesterday, July 18, I received a phone call from Dr. Croonen who treated me and my complaint was addressed to this doctor. Dr. Croonen took my complaint very seriously, we were able to discuss it well together, I felt heard and seen as a client. I could say everything that bothered me and she listened and then said that she could learn a lot from it and would certainly do something with it to the next patients. And that was also my goal with my complaint. My goal was reached, the doctor took my complaint seriously. It was very nice to be heard like that. I did not expect that. I had expected a letter from a complaints committee. No personal conversation. Top! Thank you!


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