3 years ago

Words can not even begin to describe how grateful ...

Words can not even begin to describe how grateful I am to WB. I participated in the Regain program that they offer. It is an 8 week, give or take, program that treats addiction. They meet 3 days a week for 3 hours at a time. I brought myself in to WB with the hopes that they could help me with an alcohol addiction. Brian Gibson, who is the head of the program, is PHENOMENAL. If you are seeking help with an addiction and do not require inpatient treatment, you will definitely find what you are looking for with the Regain program. I have been clean for 105 days and I owe a lot of that to Brian and Ann. Do not think that they are miracle workers though. You have to go in willing to do the hardwork as well. But they will be there the whole time to help you do that work. I am guessing places like this get a lot of bad reviews because they do not want the help or are going in to a program without much choice on their part. I am SO glad I did not pay attention to the negative feedback as this was a life changing program for me. Thank you Willowbrook.


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