Carrisa Nazario

4 years ago

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justic...

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from UoP roughly 4 years ago. These past 4 years have weighed HEAVY on me. The thought that I went through all that schooling only to come out $56,000 in student loan debt. The financial advisors take advantage of you, in that, they say "hurry and sign this or that as classes are starting in a few days". My MAIN complaint that I feel so compelled to write a review about is that I specifically relied on Cameron, my initial intake counselor, to assist me in determining the best degree program for me. I specifically stated that I wanted to become a Criminalist or a Forensic Scientist. I was 100% mislead. 100% lied to, just so I would sign up. I can tell you that Criminal Justice is NOT the degree program that should have been offered to me. Instead of saying, "with the career choice you are explaining to me, I feel it would be best for you to obtain a degree in the science, chemistry, or biology fields and we do not offer those here" they stated that I would need to obtain my degree in Criminal Justice FIRST. I can tell you this is absolutely not correct. Guess what I am doing now? After $56,000 in debt?? I am having to obtain an entirely new Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry. I am paying now for each one of my classes at a local school here. I am now wasting another 4 years of my time to essentially start all over from scratch. I have nothing to show for my BS degree in Criminal Justice that is meant for one to become a glorified cop or probation officer. I hate this school beyond belief for wasting my time and lying to me. I trusted them. I trusted that they were steering me in the right direction. I even told them after completing my Associate program there, that I felt like I needed to have more sciences, they literally pushed and pushed and told me that I was not correct. I wish on the Lord that I would have recorded every conversation I had with them. I feel that I am owed a deletion of that $56,000 in debt that I have as I am having to start ALL OVER. I promise you, this review is not in bad taste over the money. We are talking about 4 years of long nights, 4 years of homework, papers, studying, reading, discussions. 4 years of long hard work, for it to be a total waste of time.


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