Julene Deupree

3 years ago

Hot rooms and cold food.

Hot rooms and cold food.
The Room
When we checked in we were warned by a female front desk staff that the thermostats only went to 17 Celsius. My husband and I thought this would be fine as a room at 17 would be average and comfortable. This was not to be the case. It is true that the thermostat could only be set to 17 but the room itself never fell below 22. All night. At times it was as high as 24. When I complained the next morning a male member of staff laughed at me and told me that if I did not know how to use the thermostat I should have asked. I did understand the device. The vent did blow cool air. Just not nearly cool enough nor with enough force to make the room habitable. It was misery. None of us slept well and we faced an 11 hour flight the next day. My three year old son developed a cough from having a dry throat all night and may I remind you that this was met with snide and derisive comments from staff. Even when I opened the door into the hallway to try to cool the room it was futile as the halls were also excessively warm. Clearly this is an ongoing issue as demonstrated by the warning from the lady who checked us in.
The Restaurant
Guests were invited to seat themselves (I asked) so we did. And we waited. And we waited. And we waited. Finally my husband asked a passing server for a menu and was brushed off saying our server should have already brought one. And we waited. Again we asked and this time got the menus while being told it was not her job and our server should have done this already. When the server shoed up we ordered our food. And we waited. And we waited. And we waited. A considerable time later is arrived rather tepid. We had been driving all day and just wanted to eat and sleep. I must say that if the food had arrived in a timelier manner it would probably have been pretty good. Shame. During our protracted stay we witnessed a confused staff wander around with a tray of food with no idea where it should go and several other tables having to get up and find someone for service or to get the check.

Overall I can say I will never stay here again.


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