Travis Hansen

4 years ago

Absurdly, obnoxiously, impossibly busy nearly all ...

Absurdly, obnoxiously, impossibly busy nearly all of the time. Good luck parking, let alone getting in on a squat rack. Which leads me to the next part...

The layout of the cardio room has the free weights at the front of the room to be gazed upon by hundreds of treadmills and ellipticals, which is absurdly awkward and not at all conducive to a productive work out. I brought a friend on a guest pass once and they were so intimidated by the roving packs of bros and the feeling of being stared at that they barely made it through their workout. Whomever decided on this layout has clearly forgotten what it was like to be a novice lifter. It took months to get her back into the gym after that experience which was ultimately the last straw for me and I canceled - which they make you do in person or by mail, which is stupidly convoluted, archaic, and inconvenient.

Most of the employees were consistently great, however. Retention really did seem to care and wanted to work with me, but short of redesigning that room and culling half the membership, there's really nothing to be done.

There are a ton of classes and much of the facility is fantastic, but I can't imagine trying to train in it consistently.

And let me reiterate how stupid the certified mail or in person cancelation policy is.


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