Renee Heironimus

4 years ago


PLEASE BE WEARY OF HOW THEY RESPOND AND REACT TO THEIR TENANTS! Email sent August 19th with zero response from Carroll or PM/APM of Cobblestone Village (a Carroll realty property)!

Dear Cobblestone/Carol Realty

After receiving your email to work with payments if contacted by 8/26 and then receiving a notice of eviction being processed by 8/11 (per my contract) if my balance wasn t paid in full. I arrived to my apartment 8/20 to remove my belongings from my apartment as an eviction filed the 11th would state that I had 10 days to evict the premise. Upon arrival it was a shock to see that all of my belongings were stolen from me. My clothes/shoes, kitchen appliances, washer and dryer, flat screen televisions, electronics, vanity, furniture. All of it gone. I am writing to allow you the ability to respond, I used my key to enter my home and also found my AC running at 62 degrees running up my electricity bill. I have filed a police report, collected video evidence from my neighbors camera and affidavits from the surrounding neighborhoods that witnessed not only your cleaning company loading their cars with my belongings but also one of the property team members (black gentleman as described) pulling up on a golf cart to retrieve my electronics, where he proceeded to ask for a screwdriver from my neighbor to remove the mount of the back of the Television. Due to Covid 19 my company closed their doors after a brutal several months and as you know unemployment benefits stopped coming after being told I would be evicted I took the appropriate actions and used my rights as your renter to obtain my belongings. If my belongings or the total amount of my belongings is not given back to me I will take all evidence to eviction court and I will also forward it to my lawyer for a civil lawsuit against you for stealing what was rightfully mine. Though I have no received an eviction notice nor been served if you filed it on 8/11-8/13 as per normal on my lease with Cobblestone village 10 days would give me until 8/21-8/23 to vacate if I didn t pay my balance. Being that today is 8/20 and my apartment was cleared out prematurely even earlier than today this is Blatantly called Theft. And the amount of money stolen from my family and I falls under even higher penalties.

Please respond within 48 hours or I will proceed with filing a lawsuit.


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