3 years ago

Catholic Priest Priest School

Catholic Priest Priest School

This school is at the level of high school intended for those especially men who want to devote themselves to serving Catholics by becoming priests.

It is located not far from Magelang, Central Java. Right on the street of Yogyakarta Magelang, if from Yogyakarta it is on the left. Not far from the T-junction or the crossroad of the Yogya Magelang Borobudur.

The full address is on Jl. Raya Mayjen Bambang Soegeng 15, Magelang, Central Java. Some people in Magelang say that Jl. Yogya
The front yard is quite wide, especially inside. Complete facilities as with other educational places. There is a library, sports facilities from a soccer field, sports hall and others.

In this place, students are taught to be honest, disciplined and responsible, and have a healthy mind. Interested? Prepare yourself to be a servant of God.


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