3 years ago

Avoid. Most disappointed with the management as e...

Avoid. Most disappointed with the management as everything below was reported, we were promised a callback, and they never bothered. So I want Lawless Jeep to know we ended up buying a brand new Jeep from somewhere else that gave us better service.

First salesman wanted to do his job and although a bit condescending to my wife we will forgive him as he is shall we say of an older generation.

Second salesman we were forced to deal with (because the first one wasn't around) was plain impolite. When we asked about Jeep model differences he asked gruffly "What models". If we knew what models we wouldn't be asking, no? We also asked about pre-owned and he told us to look on the web and seemed more interested in chatting with the receptionist. Every question was met with an attitude of "why don't you look for yourself". When we started comparing two cars, he insisted they were the same when the sticker CLEARLY showed differences, and we had to point this out to him. Final straw was when we said we would make a decision that night and he said we would have to deal with him instead of the previous salesperson (who frankly spent a lot more time and effort than he did) since the other person "wasn't here today". Just because we were making a decision that day doesn't mean we will be writing a check, and as mentioned, we wrote a check elsewhere anyway due to the poor service.


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