3 years ago

The experience that my wife and I had while rentin...

The experience that my wife and I had while renting one of the unit's in West St Paul was hands down the worst rental experience we have ever had.

First off, prior to moving into the unit, we met with one of the rental agents. When we met with her, she told us that the approximate cost for water would be 15 dollars per person, per month. She failed to mention that on top of that, that there was a $90.00 Participation Fee that you had to add onto each bill. Not the end of the world, but you would think that while speaking with your new tenants that you would mention that.

Secondly, we were the first ones to rent our unit as it was in a brand new building which looked really nice cosmetically. With that being said, starting from our moving day moving forward to the end of our 1 year lease, we had the following issues:

The bathroom was missing the giant mirror that was supposed to be mounted on the wall (day 1).
The staircase was poorly carpeted as some carpet was already frayed, and the pointy ends of the staples were sticking out of the carpet near the end of each step. Almost every day you would stab yourself in the foot with these nails / staples that were sticking out of the carpet.
The air conditioning unit was not set up properly upon installation and did not work. When we brought this up with management, it took them over a week to come and fix it.
After the air conditioning was fixed, we noticed that only half of the vents were working upstairs. This issue was brought up with management but was never fixed. So if you're looking to sweat every night, I guess this is the place for you because the unit gets really hot mid June/July.
Over the course of 1 year, we had 8 light bulbs burn out. It was made clear in the lease agreement that you have to replace every bulb prior to moving out or you will be charged. Once again, if you're planning on moving into one of these units, you should probably buy a bunch of bulbs prior to doing so.

We had spoken with neighbours who were having similar issues as we were, including the light bulbs and the vents that weren't working upstairs. There weren't many people in the area who would have anything good to say about Forthright.

Thirdly, when the lease comes to an end, they will bully you into signing a new lease whether you're wanting to stay there or not. We had mentioned that we were moving but they refused to give us any leniency with paying for a 1, 2 or 3 month lease instead of renewing for a full year. We told them they could still have people come look at the unit; but that wasn't good enough, we had to sign another full year. In addition to having to sign another full year, Forthright increased the monthly rental price $100.

As if that wasn't a big enough f*** you, the people who ended up leasing our unit in March told us that Forthright was allowing them to rent on a 3 month lease, right after we were told we couldn't.

Finally, we come to moving out, and the damage deposit. The damage deposit was $772.50 at the beginning of our lease. When the guy doing the inspections came to the unit, he was very nice and professional, and he did a very thorough job. At the end of the inspection, he told me that we would have $150.00 taken off the damage deposit due to a couple small chips in the paint, a little dust on the washer/dryer, and for a light bulb that had burnt out 15 minutes before he showed up, believe it or not. I was happy with that amount as we had taken really good care of the unit while we were there, spent two days cleaning prior to the inspection, and $622.50 seemed like a fair amount to get back.

Fast forward to April and we get our damage deposit in the mail at our new home. I open the deposit and notice that our $622.50 that I was told I would be getting back was now a mere $65.59.

In conclusion, I definitely recommend looking elsewhere for a rental unit. Yes, the area is nice, and yes, the rental units LOOK nice, but the amount of headaches you're going to have dealing with Forthright Properties and their poorly constructed unit's is NOT WORTH IT.


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