
3 years ago

Dealt with 'SEB GODFREY' for my Ninja1000 purchase...

Dealt with 'SEB GODFREY' for my Ninja1000 purchase. Overall, it was an amicable deal, however I did have a couple of issues with the service. Firstly, the photos of the bike I asked for were from a crappy iPhone, and not any sort of smartphone of the current era that could provide a good photo. Secondly, I asked for oggyknobs to be installed. I was told that they'd cost me $195 and free installation, or $230 supply only. The hell?! Thirdly, I had to specifically tell him to express post me the keys, as he had simply forgotten to send them. Fourth; On the phone to him, I said AS A CONDITION OF PURCHASE, remove the canberra motorcycle center stickers. He whinged about that to me down the phone at the time, and when the bike arrived, they were still present. Not good enough Seb, pick your game up, buddy. -Gordon.

EDIT: Also, the owner ringing me to interrogate me over this review some months after I posted it was not appreciated, either. There goes another couple of stars.


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