Mary Bai

4 years ago

My husband has placed an order for a Lexus 570 in ...

My husband has placed an order for a Lexus 570 in March 2016 in Richmond Hill store, after visiting almost all Lexus retails store in GTA. Since the sales person Hu has promised us the chance is big to get your car before December 2016. This car is very hot in the market so that it is on demand. Also, he told my husband that you can always cancel your order if the car has not started manufacturing. You can get the deposit back.
After the order is placed, the sales person never followed up with us regarding the car status. WE always followed up with him almost every month. The answer we got is I DO NOT HAVE ANY UPDATE YET everytime!!! IF YOU DO NOT WANT IT, FEEL FREE TO CANCEL IT!!!
On July 25th, he contacted us to say that he has a customer that cancelled the order with a white colour (not the same colour in our order) Lexus car. He told us that we are the next one in the waiting list and we can have a chance to see the car. We drove to the store and met him. He took us to the parking lot and we saw that it was a brand new card with everything covered by the plastic packages. He did not offer us for the road test not even open the engine. It was a very quick 1-minute glance. Then, we are told if we would like the car we need to give him a feedback by 7 pm today and we have to pay by cash in two days after the decision!!! Everything is not negotiable and he tried pushed us to close the deal with the car colour that we do not like. HE NEVER MENTIONED THE PROCESS OF OUR CAR ORDER. We did not agree with the car colour. My husband tired really hard to ask him the process of our car in the phone. NOW, he started checking our order in the system since he could not force us to purchase the white colour one. After few minutes, he told us that the factory will start manufacturing our car and we will receive the car in August. This is the first time we get the updated information of our car order.
There is no follow up after the July call. We are not given any details like when the car will be finished manufacturing and when the car will be shipped to Toronto. My husband has to CALL HIM every time. He is always busy with his other clients and he said he will call back. However, sometimes there is no response. One time, we got his reply in August with the info that our car will arrived around Sep 19th. There is no follow up after that.
We tried to call him few days ago and we got the same reply since he was dealing with our client. My husband has to followed up with him yesterday since there is no reply on from him. The call is a nightmare!!! He told us that our call will arrive around next week and we are given a mode of 2017 and we have to pay $2,500 more. My husband was so pissed off since we ordered 2016 model. He said he was also told the info one day before. What a joke!!! I am sure they have channel to track the car model when the factory started manufactured the car. We questioned him, I can tell he lied to us since his voice was shaking. When my husband asked him what is the difference between 2016 and 2017, he says there is NO DIFFERENCE!!! However, we have to pay $2,500 more!!! What is ridiculous is, he says gain if you do not want the car, feel free to cancel it that I have so many people that they would like 2017 model!!! How do you know that we do not want the car! If we do not want the car, why we are spending almost half a year here to follow us with you with all your unprofessional services. We are so mad yesterday because of the shocked information.
We have been cheated without giving the information on time and we have to pay $2,500 by no reason. We are buying the car since our parents love the car so much and this is their dream car and we are preparing this car as a present for their retirement. Unfortunately, we are given this worst experience that we have NEVER HAVE in OUR LIFE.

We are planning to see their general manager today regarding the issue. If there is anything they can do about it, we are planing to go to Lexus Canada.


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