Review of bol.com

3 years ago

Note: Think twice before creating a SELECT ACCOUNT...

Note: Think twice before creating a SELECT ACCOUNT. They advertise with * Today Delivered With Select articles Free * Well so not !!!! I have had a lot of hassle with it. When they are 'busy' they blame PostNL for not being able to deliver on time. I (a loyal customer, I order something via Bol every month) have never been able to make the choice that it will be delivered the same day. They don't look for solutions at customer services, you only get YES-BUT answers. So if you plan on creating a select account for this option, I advise you not to do it! And otherwise I hope you are more lucky;).

And you can only cancel your subscription when it is about to expire! A few months in advance (when the customer wants to cancel himself!) It is not possible.


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