Rajeev Shrimali

3 years ago

I am sure many of you may be in the same boat of P...

I am sure many of you may be in the same boat of PSA not refunding spring game registration fee. My daughter got registered for basketball game at PSA early march. They literary forced us to pay registration fee in last moments while they knew they will be closing down as county didn't rented them the field. I have written to PSA couple of time regarding refund of registration money. Not surprisingly every time I get from them is a blunt policy of non refund. This may be OK during normal situations but this is very different times and wonder their policy of non refund legally holds during COVID-19. Cases of Kids and teenagers falling sick and even death is on slow rise due to multi organ inflammatory symptom/condition leading to cardiac shock, Plano has one/two cases now? PSA should think of all the parties and do refund like many other sports organization did without even asking. Many parents cannot have their kids play due to various reasons maybe they are not available when games start in June/July or parents like me are not comfortable to have their kids play with ongoing/increasing COIVD-19. What I requested was to refund registration fee to those parents who cannot have their kids play at rescheduled dates while PSA can happily have their game ON with other parents who are OK going ahead with it, that's perfectly fine. Everyone with their respective views / decision would be happy in this situation.

I am surprised in their recent message PSA are counting their expenses for construction, mortgages, cleaning, electricity, staff etc that's cheap and inconsiderate of the them towards community and wonder how that is our liability. Its clear PSA is forcing their financial strain due to sad close down during COIVD-19 on community while we are struggling with our own financial situation or even job lose in many cases. I also wonder when PSA starts group sports while being negligent and overlooking refund request from few of us just for their financial motives, if any kid fall sick or god forbid its fatal they will be legally liable on one or multiple cases.

I am sure PSA management has looked / discussed into this and have analyzed all situations. I wonder if they will be respectful of everyone and not only be focused on their financial goals in current situation. Best to all, be safe and keep our community safe.


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